Privacy And Cooki Policies

At Dulge, we prioritize your privacy and want to ensure a safe and secure online experience. Please take a moment to review our Privacy and Cookie Policies, which outline how we collect, use, and protect your information.

Privacy Policy:

  • This privacy policy applies to all Dulge websites and covers information collected online. It does not include offline information collected by Dulge.
    We have implemented strict security measures to protect your personal information, including secure servers, physical and electronic safeguards, and password protections.
    Personal information provided during online transactions, such as credit card details, is transmitted through a secure server using encryption technology.
    We collect information from interactions with you to improve our products and services. Your personal information is handled safely, securely, and responsibly.
    Our privacy policy may change as we continue to enhance our website and services. We encourage you to review the policy regularly.

Information We Collect:

  • You may browse our website without providing personally identifiable information. However, there may be instances where we ask for your information to access certain features.
    We collect information such as name, contact details, demographic data, and preferences to understand your needs and provide better service.
    Your purchase history and website interactions are also recorded for analysis and improving our offerings.
    Our web server automatically collects anonymous information, including log data and IP addresses, to enhance site design, product assortments, and customer service.

How We Use the Information:

  • The information we collect is used for internal record keeping and to improve our products and services.
    We may send promotional emails about new products, special offers, or other information we think you may find interesting.
    Market research may be conducted periodically to better serve your needs.
    We customize the website based on your interests to enhance your browsing experience.


  • We are committed to safeguarding your information and have implemented physical, electronic, and managerial procedures for online data protection.
    Suitable measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of your information.

Sharing of Information:

  • Information collected may be shared among all Dulge entities, including stores, websites, and private sales.
    We may engage service providers who assist us in various aspects such as customer information management, email distribution, and data analysis. They are bound to confidentiality agreements.
    Selected third-party companies may be provided with information if their products or services may interest you.

Business Transitions:

  • In the event of a business transition like a merger or acquisition, personal information may be transferred or shared with the involved parties.

Compliance with Law:

  • We may provide access to information when legally required, cooperate in legal proceedings, protect against misuse or unauthorized use, limit legal liability, or protect the rights and safety of visitors or the public.

Cookies and Web Beacons:

  • Cookies are used to enhance your browsing experience by allowing web applications to respond to you as an individual.
    We use cookies to analyze web traffic, improve our website, and provide personalized advertising based on your interests and preferences.
    You can modify your browser settings to decline cookies, but this may affect your full experience on our website.
    Web beacons are one-pixel images used to pass information from your computer or device to a website.

Your Choices:

  • If you do not wish to receive direct mail or telemarketing calls, please contact Dulge Customer Care to be removed from our list.
    Australian residents can request a notice describing the categories of personal information shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes.
    You have the option to disable cookies and web beacons on your computer, but it may impact certain website functionalities.


  • By using our website, you accept the policies outlined in our Privacy and Cookie Policies.

If you have any questions regarding our policies, please contact our Customer Service Department at